Thursday, April 22, 2010

I want to go to there.

Slow at first, but the end is well worth it.

Spiderman, Spiderman

If you live in Dubai, you can get Spiderman to clean your windows.
There's a cleaning company here in Dubai that will send a man dressed in a Spiderman outfit to clean your windows. I'd be more excited if it was Spider Pig

Grilled Cheese Academy

I should've gotten my Masters here.
If you feel like looking at some cheese based food porn, follow the link to a grilled cheese sammich slide show of epic proportions

Don't mind if I do, El Guapo

El Guapo

3 oz tequila blanco
1 jigger (1.5 oz) lime juice
1 small persian cucumber, thinly sliced
1/2 teaspoon hot sauce (such as Cholula, Tapatio or Tobasco)
Salt and Pepper

Muddle the lime juice and cucumbers in the bottom of your shaker. Fill half way up with ice, add the tequila, and shake like hell. Pour into a tumbler with some of the ice and cucumbers. Finish with hot sauce and salt and pepper. Stir to combine and garnish with red chili pepper is you like. Enjoy!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Sesame Street

International re-titling of Sesame Street includes...
Israel, Palestine and Jordan: Rechov SumSum
In Spain,South America: Barrio Sésamo/ Plaza Sesamo
Netherlands: Sesamstraat
Cambodia: Sabai Sabai Sesame
India: Galli Galli Sim Sim
Franca: 5, Rue Sésame
Germany: Sesamstraße

International Kermit:

As Sesame Street is localized for some different markets that speak languages other than English, Kermit is often renamed. In Portugal, he's Cocas, o Sapo (sapo means toad). In Latin America, his name is la rana René (René the Frog). In Spain, Kermit is named Gustavo. In France and the Canadian province of Quebec, he is known as Kermit la grenouille. In Brazil, his name is Caco, o Sapo. In the Arabic Middle Eastern version, he's known as Kamel, which is a common Arabic male name that means "perfect". In Hungary he is called Breki. In Turkey, although he's known by his real name, Kermit in The Muppet Show, in Sesame Street he was named as "Kurbağacık" (Little Frog).

I leave you with a picture of my favorite Sesame Street character, Slimey

I'm Your Puppet

Continuing with the Puppet Theme, if I may...

Pull the string and I'll wink at you, I'm your puppet
I'll do funny things if you want me to, I'm your puppet

The Puppets that live in my desk...

Sometimes they whisper to me...

April 24th is National Day of Puppetry

Everyone please be sure to thank your local puppets for their hard work and dedication on April 24th.

Stumbled on a page called
I highly recommend you give it a browse:

"Antonio" and "Biblical Old Man" are my favorites, I think

Day of Puppetry Celebration at NYPL

4,000 Year Old Lentils

Seventeen lentil plants have been sprouted from 4,000-year-old lentils unearthed in a western Turkey archaeological dig. I will make a nice stew out of them...

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Mad Men Barbies!!!

Mattel, Inc., Lionsgate® (NYSE: LGF), and AMC announced today the launch of four Barbie® Collector “Mad Men” dolls available to consumers July 2010. Designed by Barbie designer Robert Best, the “Mad Men” Barbie doll line features key players from the Sterling Cooper Advertising Agency: creative director and leading man Don Draper; his wife Betty Draper; Sterling Cooper partner Roger Sterling; and bombshell office manager Joan Holloway.

I can't share the image as they are copyrighted, but check out the link:


Some of these are clever and entertaining. See the whole website for more like it:

Monday, April 19, 2010

It's Slammer Jammer Time

It's NBA Playoff time. I am aiming for a perfect bracket this year.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

It's Pata Pata Time

Conditioner is better.

"Shampoo is better, it makes your hair fresh and clean. No conditioner is better, it makes your hair silky and smooth!"