Just wanted to share the following gchat between me and my husband...
me: so, the coney island aquarium had a walrus that is notorious for masturbating
me: it's a documented fact and i saw this little blurb about it the other day and a woman in the comments was going on and on about how inappropriate it is and how she's lucky her children were distracted by something in the other direction and all that
me: i think it's silly though. it's just an animal
Husband: whatever
I hate zoo prudes
me: ha ha ha, that is a great way to put it
Husband: so your kids see a animal touch its dick
Husband: I vow to never walk around freaking out over what my kids sees. They are in coney island, see sex workers and homeless people, a dirty beach etc, but god forbid they see an animal touching itself or fucking. Kids were born through fucking. they aint jesus christ. Not to mention, little kids likely wouldn't know what was happening anyway. And what should they do? put the walrus on medication, send it to sex therapy, kill it?
Husband: rant over
me: nice rant
Husband: merci beaucoup
If anyone is interested, there are numerous youtube clips of Ayveq the masturbating walrus on youtube. Sadly, he passed away in 2008 at the age of 14.
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