Israel, Palestine and Jordan: Rechov SumSum
In Spain,South America: Barrio Sésamo/ Plaza Sesamo
Netherlands: Sesamstraat
Cambodia: Sabai Sabai Sesame
India: Galli Galli Sim Sim
Franca: 5, Rue Sésame
Germany: Sesamstraße
International Kermit:
As Sesame Street is localized for some different markets that speak languages other than English, Kermit is often renamed. In Portugal, he's Cocas, o Sapo (sapo means toad). In Latin America, his name is la rana René (René the Frog). In Spain, Kermit is named Gustavo. In France and the Canadian province of Quebec, he is known as Kermit la grenouille. In Brazil, his name is Caco, o Sapo. In the Arabic Middle Eastern version, he's known as Kamel, which is a common Arabic male name that means "perfect". In Hungary he is called Breki. In Turkey, although he's known by his real name, Kermit in The Muppet Show, in Sesame Street he was named as "Kurbağacık" (Little Frog).
I leave you with a picture of my favorite Sesame Street character, Slimey

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